Additional Details:
- Deposit checks and cash for company and individual membership dues as well as after each event/meeeting to bank account
- Manage PayPal account on a monthly basis and transfer funds to bank account
- Working with the Secretary, maintain accounting software to capture all income and expenses for NJCA; run various financial reports on a regular basis
- Pay all invoices in a timely manner (e.g., catering, website, etc.)
- Maintain all financial records and tools as appropriate (e.g., receipts, checkbook, deposit slips, etc.)
- Review and reconcile bank statements; complete banking reconciliation with income/expense statement
- Prepare Annual Treasury Report
- Upon election of new Treasurer and/or new President, update bank information including signing authorization, signatures, and addresses; update PayPal account
- Attend Executive Committee meetings to provide input to broader NJCA business issues and strategy