Our Sponsors


NJCA Bylaws


A. The purpose of the New Jersey Compensation Association (NJCA) is to provide individuals active in Total Rewards Management an opportunity to meet and discuss matters of mutual interest. It is hoped that these discussions will provide opportunities to hear about and discuss current issues and innovations in total rewards management.

B. The purpose shall be accomplished through the following guiding principles:
  • Presentation and discussion of timely and relevant topics.
  • Analysis and discussion of member company issues.
  • Opportunity to hear experts discuss current issues and problems.
  • Opportunity to develop contacts with members and to stimulate the exchange of information.
  • Development of appropriate local surveys on salaries, policies and practices.
  • Opportunity for professional development, educational/certification classes to earn designation as a Certified Compensation Professional through partnership with WorldatWork.


A. NJCA allows for three different types of members:

  1. Corporate Membership
  2. Individual Membership
  3. In Transition Membership

B. All members are encouraged to participate in the events sponsored by the NJCA.

C. All members are prohibited from soliciting business either at chapter meetings, or by actively contacting other members of the NJCA. The Executive Committee reserves the right to warn or discipline members who violate this rule, up to and including revocation of membership.

D. From time to time, members may become privy to confidential information. All NJCA members are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with current government regulations regarding confidentiality, and to treat all information garnered from the NJCA, its members, presenters, and guests under strict confidence. 

E. Membership in the Association shall be maintained by adhering to the provisions of these approved Bylaws. Continued membership may be examined by the Executive Committee under the guidance of the Membership Chairp for any of the following reasons:

  • Absence for most of the Association meetings and events.
  • Activities violating the confidentiality of certain information.
  • Nonpayment of dues.
  • Personal conduct not in accordance with membership in a professional organization.

F. The Executive Committee fixes all fees for members by the beginning of the program year, and may prorate fees at its discretion. Membership is for one year, from September to August, and is subject to yearly renewal.

G. The Executive Committee may determine that a company or individual is no longer eligible for membership during the year based on adherence to the by-laws or other circumstances that are detrimental to the Association. The company or individual in question will be notified and will have the opportunity to respond and correct the situation. The company or individual may apply for membership again in the future without prejudice.

H. In order to facilitate the smooth operations of the organization, the Executive Committee may fix the number of corporate, individual, and in transition members at its discretion.

I. Corporate Membership: Corporate Membership in the NJCA shall be primarily on a company, not personal, basis and is generally not transferable with the individual member. Applicant companies must fulfill the following requirements and have the approval of the Membership Chair:

  • The Company should have an active program of Total Rewards Management.
  • The primary representative assigned by the Company should be currently active in the Total Rewards Management of that company and be able to speak for the Company on all matters which come before the group.
  • Companies are strongly encouraged to participate in NJCA sponsored surveys, at no additional cost to the companies.
  • Each company shall be encouraged to designate at least one alternate member who can attend meetings and represent the Company.

J. Individual Membership: Individual practitioners in Total Rewards can join the NJCA. Such applicants must be active in these functions and expect to continue in the field. Individual membership may also be granted to individuals employed by companies who do not sponsor corporate membership in the NJCA.

  • Individual practitioners do not participate in the Annual Non-exempt Survey and are not entitled to receive the survey results.
  • Individual members are entitled to all other benefits of NJCA such as NJCA website access, GPN benefits, membership directory and company profile access.
  • Individual membership is associated with the practitioner, not the company, even if the company reimburses the employee for the membership.

K. In Transition Membership: A current member may retain his/her membership when unemployed or in between jobs. This allows the member continued access to a network of peers, and to remain active in the Total Rewards community and the NJCA organization to obtain support from them and assist in their job search. The member must be in good standing prior to the loss of position. When a new position is obtained, the member is encouraged to join as a company.

  • Individual practitioners in Total Rewards currently in the process of transitioning back into the workforce can join NJCA upon approval.
  • Members in transition have all of the rights granted to individual members.
  • In transition members must renew membership on a yearly basis.


A. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer are the officers of the Association.  They shall serve a term of two (2) years beginning July 1st.

B. Candidates vetted by the Executive Committee for the position of Secretary, Treasurer, and President shall be presented to the attending membership at the last meeting of the plan year for a confirmation vote.  A simple majority of members present is required for approval.

C. Under normal circumstances, the Secretary will succeed the outgoing President.

D. If the Secretary does not succeed the President at the start of the new program year, then the right of first refusal for the Presidency falls to the Treasurer. If the Treasurer does not succeed the President, then an attempt will be made to find another candidate for the President position, preferably from the existing members of the Executive Committee. Once identified, a new election for President by the members will take place at the next scheduled meeting of the NJCA. If a new candidate cannot be found or if the Secretary, Treasurer or President position becomes vacant during the year then the President Emeritus may temporarily fill the role until the Executive Committee can appoint a new person for the open position.

E. An Executive Committee shall be initially postulated by the existing Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee is charged with maintaining a structure and organization that best supports NJCA's membership. The Executive Committee should review its structure at least annually, creating and eliminating positions on the Committee as agreed upon by a majority of the Executive Committee members.

F. Duties of all Executive Committee members will be posted in a public area on the NJCA website.

G. The Executive Committee will meet a minimum of twice a year physically, and have regularly scheduled phone conferences to facilitate the smooth running of the organization.

H. All members of the Executive Committee are bound by the same rules that govern the membership at large. Additionally, all Executive Committee members must agree to the following in order to continue to serve on the Executive Committee:

  • They must be members in good standing of the NJCA.
  • They must participate in most general meetings.
  • During general meetings, they must be available to speak with prospective members about the benefits of joining the NJCA.
  • They must participate in most Executive Committee meetings and calls.
  • They must promote the NJCA within their circle of influence.


A. The Executive Committee shall be responsible to the membership for the financial resources of the Association. The Treasurer shall report to the Executive Committee the financial status of the Association at each Executive Committee meeting.

B. Any member who does not cancel his reservation for the meeting by 12:00 noon on the Friday immediately preceding the meeting will be assessed the meeting charge, at the discretion of the Secretary.

C. Membership fees are non-refundable.

D. The Executive Committee has a fiduciary obligation to the membership to pursue programs that will enhance NJCA’s service to the Total Rewards community.  As such, the Executive Committee may undertake to fund relevant projects as it sees fit.

E. Any member of the NJCA may challenge an existing project, or suggest a new project to the Executive Committee. Under these circumstances, a special meeting of the Executive Committee will be convened with the member suggesting changes invited to present his/her perspective. In the case that the Executive Committee decides against the proposal, the member may elect to argue the point in front of the membership at the next scheduled meeting, culminating in a vote.  Discussion will be moderated by the President, and executed using Roberts Rules of Order as applicable.

F. All reasonable attempts should be made by the Executive Committee to limit cash on hand to a maximum of 12 months operating expenses.


A. Regular meetings are typically held at least six times a year from September through June.

B. Members may bring guests to the regular meetings, at costs decided by the Executive Committee. Guests are expected to conduct themselves under the same guidelines as members. No one may solicit business at any meeting.

C. The Executive Committee shall explore special events that promise to increase NJCA’s service to the community, and to provide additional networking opportunities for NJCA’s membership.


A. Changes to the Bylaws will be publicly posted on NJCA’s website at least three weeks prior to a meeting, and all members are to be notified of the changes via email. It is the responsibility of the members to review the revisions to the bylaws, and be knowledgeable about their provisions. At the next scheduled meeting, members may present dissenting points of view, and call for a vote.  If no challenges are voiced, proposed changes will be accepted into the bylaws "nolo contendere."

B. Members must be in good standing in order to vote.


A. Any individual present at a meeting who is covered under any membership category represents one vote.

B. There is no provision for absentee voting or voting by proxy.

Revised and Approved February 11, 2014